innuOS 1.4.5 – Released 06/07/2020

This release provides support for Native DSD to more DACs – see list below. Some DACs may require a firmware update in order to provide support for Native DSD playback – please consult your DAC manufacturer for more details. Also includes bug fixes and general performance improvements.

New Features

Now supports Native DSD playback on a larger number of compatible DACs, especially those with XMOS chips on their USB Interfaces.


  • Fixes issue where logs fill up rapidly when a DAC is turned off when the player is on.
  • Fixes issue with albums containing tracks with the “%” character were not editable.
  • Other small fixes and enhancements.

Current DACs supporting Native DSD

As reference, you may consult our list of known current DACs supporting Native DSD – please bear in mind that this list is not exhaustive as many DACs contain the same USB chip implementation.

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