Duplicated Albums on the Music Library

You are finding duplicated Albums on the Music Library or you have updated your server to innuOS 2.0 and you have noticed a discrepancy in the number of Albums displayed, in comparison to your previous version. The multi-discs Albums now count as a single Album, where previously were separate. However, if you have an Album holding files with different formats or resolutions then they are indexed as separate Albums. So you may encounter an Album “duplicate”, but they are actually the same Album just of different quality or stored format.

Note: 100 Years of Nine Lessons & Cards albums

By design, different format or resolution files for the same Album folder will result in separate indexed Albums (of different formats/resolutions). This is done to separate in example hi-res Albums from CD Albums. The option to not split those Albums is not available currently but it is already a feature request that we are planning to implement. Feel free to add your vote or your comment to it. You may find it on our innuOS Feedback Zone > Feature Requests > Don’t split albums by file format.

If instead you are finding Albums split in several Albums, some tracks on one and the remaining tracks on the other(s) then that’s probably related to some inconsistency on the Album Artist name and the tracks Artists names metadata information. In that case please have a look at out KB article: Albums Compilation option.

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