Sense App test

Innuos Sense is our control App which is offered with all our music server/streamers as well as our network players.

A powerful music management tool that works the way you do. Integrated with our Operating System – innuOS - Sense is made to help you manage, organize and play your music and navigate streaming services with ease.

Sense App is available on iOS, Android or Amazon Fire devices and can also be accessed through any web browser.

At the heart of the Innuos Sense App is its tight integration with our Operating System: innuOS, which represents a profound change on both the UI and the backend of the music servers and allows complete Music Library playback and management through your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Controlled by their Innuos Sense App or simply through any web browser, navigating your music collection is now more intuitive and responsive, offering a premium experience whether you’re ripping CDs, creating playlists, importing files, or exploring streaming services.

"It manages your music collection so elegantly and instinctually, your interaction with music becomes that bit more effortless."

- Alan Sircom, hi-fi +
Sense App

Changing the way people interact with music

innuOS Feedback Zone


The innuOS Feature Request site is a place where users can submit and vote on ideas that they would like to see added to our ongoing software development. It is a roadmap for recently implemented changes, features that are currently in development, and others that we have planned for the future.

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